What the CISSP practice exam content does RTEK 2000 provides to members?
We represent all 10 domains of the CISSP CBK in our exam content. Your performance will be tracked and analyzed based on the domain areas below, allowing you to pinpoint areas which require more study.
- Information Security and Risk Management
- Access Control
- Security Architecture and Design
- Telecommunications and Network Security
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
- Application Security
- Cryptography
- Legal, Regulations, Compliance and Investigations
- Physical (Environmental) Security
- Operations Security
Do I need to download or install any special software in order to use CISSP Exam Practice Platform?
No. RTEK 2000's testing engine is designed to work solely with your web browser, without the need for additional downloads, installations or plug-ins.
In comparison to the real CISSP exam, how difficult are the questions provided by RTEK 2000?
In an effort to properly prepare test takers, we have attempted to create questions which are
slightly more difficult than those one might see on the actual CISSP® exam. In addition, our questions are not purely definitional, but include real world situations from a CISSP® CBK perspective. This is done to emulate the questions one might see on the real CISSP exam.
How can I be certain that the test questions and responses created by RTEK 2000 are accurate?
Test questions published on CISSP¬ Exam Practice are created and maintained exclusively for this service by course trainers and CISSP® certified resources who are subject matter experts in this field. All questions, answers, and explanations are reviewed by CISSPExamPractice team members for quality and accuracy before they are published.
After I take a practice test, can I print out the questions and answers for offline study?
Yes. After each practice test, you can print out the questions, answers, and explanations.
Should I solely rely on RTEK 2000 CISSP Exam Practice Platform to pass the actual CISSP exam?
Although it has been reported by users that CISSP Exam Practice Platform was a critical component of their exam preparation, we recommend acquiring the appropriate study guides and/or courses (see the next tab) in addition to relying on our practice exams for best results.
Because RTEK 2000 identifies your aptitude in each CISSP domain, this information is very beneficial when choosing where to focus your offline studies.
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CISSP Exam Practice now!
Questions About Your Account
How can I tell when my account will expire?
Once you are logged in to the system, the Main Dashboard will indicate when your account expires. Additionally, the Account Status tab will allow you to see this information as well.
What types of payment methods can I use to register for CISSPExamPractice, and is it secure?
Registration is payable using all major credit cards, PayPal, or Money Orders by mail. Additionally, we accept payments regardless of the country of origin. Our payment handling is 100% secure and absolutely no payment information is stored following your registration.
I lost my password and am unable to log in to my account. How can I retrieve my login information?
The Forgot Password link (located in the top corner of the screen) will dispatch login information to the email address you registered with RTEK 2000.
Questions About How we Measure your Performance
Will I be able to view my performance for each CISSP domain, as well as by each practice test I take?
Yes. Because CISSP Exam Practice Platform tracks question performance for each test and cross references it by CISSP domain area, your results will be calculated on both. You will easily be able to view your real time CISSP knowledge for each domain using the
My Performance tab.
When you visit the My Performance tab, the first view you see will be a chronological view of all your test scores. This chart will indicate which CISSP practice tests were taken, in order, and will clearly plot their scores along a graph.
Can I view my test taking performance within each domain of the CISSP CBK?
Yes. As you take practice tests, CISSP Exam Practice Platform keeps track of your performance within each domain of the CISSP CBK. At any time, you can review your average performance when presented with specific subject matter, and are even provided with a
Knowledge Ranking for each CISSP domain. The lower your Knowledge Ranking, the more study is recommended for a specific domain.
If I take the same practice test multiple times, will this be reflected in my performance reports?
All of your completed tests, regardless if they are repeats, will be tracked to give you a chronological performance trend.
Additionally, performance measurements will also provide overall averages, as well as individual test taking results, allowing you to view your performance from multiple vantage points.
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CISSP Exam Practice now!
Questions About the CISSP Exam
What are the eligibility requirements for taking the CISSP exam?
* Work Experience: A minimum of five years security work experience in two or more CISSP domains. (four years with applicable degree or certification)
* Accept the CISSP Code of Ethics and attest to the truth of your professional experience
* Answer four questions regarding criminal history and related background
* Have your qualifications endorsed by another (ISC)² certified professional
How is the CISSP exam structured, and what score do I need to pass?
* There are 250 total multiple choice questions which make up the CISSP exam, covering all ten CBK Domains
* Individuals have 6 hours to complete the exam
* The passing grade required is a scale score of 700 out of a possible 1000 points
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CISSP Exam Practice now!